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Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people who are 65 or older, as well as people with certain disabilities or medical conditions. It consists of Part A (hospitalization) and Part B (medical).

Medicare covers a wide range of medical services, including inpatient/outpatient hospital stays, doctor visits, diagnostic tests, medical equipment, surgeries, chemotherapy, etc. There are deductibles on Part A and Part B and Part B is 20% coinsurance with no Max out of Pocket.

Your enrollment period to enroll into Medicare for the first time begins three months prior to your birthday month. If you are currently getting Social Security benefits you will be automatically enrolled into Part A and Part B. Contact Jarman insurance and we can help you throughout the entire process.

There are three general types of Medicare insurance products: Medicare Supplement (medigap), Medicare Advantage (part C) and Medicare Part D (Rx)

Medicare Advantage is a type of Medicare plan offered by private insurance companies that combines Part A, Part B, and sometimes Part D coverage into one plan. These plans offer everything Medicare covers and more, such as routine dental, vision, and hearing coverage. In most areas these plans have no monthly premium. 

Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) is extra insurance you can buy from a private health insurance company to help pay your share of out-of-pocket costs in Original Medicare. Depending on the plan you buy you may have all of your out of pocket medical costs covered for the rest of your life with the doctors and hospitals of your choosing.

The Medicare Part D coverage gap, also known as the "donut hole," is a temporary limit on what your prescription drug plan will cover. Once you reach the coverage gap, you will pay a higher percentage of the cost of your medications until you reach the catastrophic coverage limit. Some medications are excluded from this gap, such as insulin.

If you've worked 10 years Part A does not cost anything. For 2023 Part B has a monthly premium of 164.90 per month. Your cost may be higher if you made above set limits 2 years prior. Some Medicare advantage plans can lower this cost.

Yes, there are multiple time per year where you can change your Medicare plan. The most common is during the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), which occurs from October 15 to December 7 each year. You can also make changes to your plan during certain special enrollment periods. If you need to change we can help you find out if you qualify for a special period.

Yes, you can get Medicare even if you are still working. However, if you have employer-sponsored health insurance, you need to decide if switching to Medicare is the right thing to do. Often times an individual can qualifiy for Medicare but may have dependents on the employer plan that are not eligible for Medicare. You may want to stay on to make sure they are covered. We can help go over your coverage to make sure you are making the right decision.

The Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period occurs from January 1 to March 31 each year. During this period, you can switch from one Medicare Advantage plan to another or switch from a Medicare Advantage plan back to Original Medicare. This enrollment period is ONLY for people who currently have a Medicare Advantage or Part C plan.

Fear not! Not only are we Medicare experts but under 65 insurance experts as well. We can help with ACA (obamacare) enrollments and subsidies, accident, critical illness, Dental Vision and Hearing, and fixed hospital plans to make sure you're covered at any budget.

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Welcome to Jarman Insurance, your local Medicare Health insurance agency in Arizona. Our team of licensed agents is dedicated to helping you navigate the complex world of Medicare and find a plan that meets your healthcare needs and budget.